Homeowners Disillusioned as New-Build "Dream" Homes in Castleford Turn into Nightmarish ordeals

Homeowners Express Frustration as New-Build "Dream" Homes in Castleford Turn into Nightmares with Multiple Issues

Homeowners in Castleford, Yorkshire, are outraged and disappointed as their new-build properties at Elliot Place, developed by Avant Homes, turn out to be plagued with a series of problems. From a persistently flushing toilet to a kitchen in need of extensive replacement, residents have encountered a catalogue of issues that have shattered their dreams of a perfect home.

Andy Toulson, one of the affected homeowners, shared his experience, highlighting problems such as a faulty staircase, plumbing issues, inadequate windows, an unsecured dishwasher, a kitchen extractor fan without a flue, and a waterlogged garden. The litany of issues has left him feeling disheartened and frustrated, as his dream home has become a source of embarrassment when guests visit.

Toulson's attempts to address the problems with Avant Homes have been met with disappointment. He feels that the company's focus has shifted to profit-making rather than resolving the issues faced by homeowners. Despite Avant Homes' claims of high customer satisfaction, Toulson asserts that the priority seems to be on building more houses rather than rectifying existing problems. He emphasizes the need for clear communication, prompt resolutions, and agreed-upon dates for repairs.

Other residents on the development have also reported sub-standard work and ongoing issues. Adam Newman and his wife have faced problems with their malfunctioning heat recovery system, which several electricians have been unable to fix. Additionally, they fear that the lack of proper extraction will lead to mold issues. Another homeowner, Peter Gregory, has encountered draft problems and unresolved external brickwork issues. Despite his efforts to bring these matters to Avant Homes' attention, he feels dismissed by their response.

In response to the complaints, an Avant Homes spokesperson stated that they are actively engaged in addressing and resolving the issues raised by Mr. Toulson at Elliot Place.

The dissatisfaction expressed by homeowners underscores the importance of delivering quality and addressing concerns promptly in the new-build housing sector.

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