Snagging News
Persimmon Homes Campaign Site
Steve Soulsby, the owner of a Persimmon house of horrors, was so shocked by the experience of buying a new build that he has set up a website to share his experiences with prospective buyers.
Persimmon Homes from Hell
It got off to a bad start when they held back the keys for 4 hours after receiving our funds at 1 o'clock. We didn't receive keys till 5.30 having booked a van and given notice on our rented property at the time and booked holiday from work.
Residents anger at damage to new homes
Residents on a Lancashire estate have slammed house builders Redrow, saying roof tiles have fallen off homes they built for the third time in two years.
Inconsiderate Barratt Homes
Barratt have not even completed the first house on the estate the are working on at Newbiggin by the Sea in Northumberland but already have the residents of the only access road up in arms.
Persimmon Homes Shifting House
We bought our house new from Persimmon in July 2000. Since then we have had problems with internal and external cracking which for four years Persimmon refused to take seriously or investigate the root cause.
In Need of Repair
Builders Bellway Homes North East jumped into action when I asked for an explanation about Andrew Hutchinson's complaint.
The Poor Quality of Barratt Homes
In summer 2005 I moved into my present flat. It is a so called new build, built by a well-known company, that, for arguments sake, we shall call Barratt. I am neither advising people to stay away from such properties, nor advocating them, but here is one of the problems I've had with this developer.
Homeowners to sue Bellway over 30ft cliff in garden
The brochure described it as a gently-sloping back garden. But when Alan and Jackie Carter prepared to move into their newly-completed four-bedroom Bellway house, they were horrified to discover what could only be described as a cliff towering above it.
David Wilson Homes Customer Care
We purchased a 2 bed flat from DWH in May 2003. We only went to look at the Development with no intention to buy and came away determined to purchase one of the flats. The deposit was down within a week. The flat was near complete and had only the kitchen, sanitary ware, skirting etc to fit.